Privacy Policy

Mobicip, LLC., DBA, (the ‘Company’) is a California Limited Liability Company that provides parental control software that allows parents to create a safe and secure experience on smartphones, tablets and computers for their family and children. The software is enabled using an account (the ‘Parent’) created on the website (or mobile app) by a parent, or otherwise authorized administrator of a school or business, after accepting the Terms and Conditions of the service. Such an account has the ability not only to set rules and restrictions to be applied to one or more devices (the ‘Child’) used by a child, student, or a generic end-user, but also to monitor certain aspects of the device’s usage such as Internet websites, installed apps, social media, videos, and similar content. This Privacy Policy, therefore, is intended to cover the right to privacy of either type of user - the Parent or the Child. If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact From time to time, Mobicip may introduce new products and services. To the extent that these new products and services affect this policy, this policy will be updated.

  1. Parent Privacy

    By creating an account on the website (or mobile app), you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the provisions of this Privacy Policy and its Terms of Service.

    • Collection and Use of Information
      • Mobicip makes its parental control service available under a number of different subscription plans. During registration, Mobicip requires your first and last name, a password, and a valid email address as a login. We use the information collected to deliver services, process payments, communicate with you about orders, products and services and to update our records and generally maintain your accounts with us. Your email address may be used to send you periodic newsletters from Mobicip, as part of a mailing list from which you can opt out by following the link or instructions provided in each newsletter.
      • Mobicip uses industry standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of personally identifiable information, including encryption, firewalls and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Furthermore, Mobicip is not liable for loss of passwords due to user carelessness. If you believe your password has been compromised, we recommend that you immediately change your password.
      • Mobicip does not allow minor children to subscribe to Mobicip. However, as part of your Parent account, you may choose to provide personally identifiable data about yourself and your family members, for instance a photograph, age, and name for each child. You acknowledge that this information may be personal to you, and that setting up the personal information in your account potentially allows Mobicip to identify you or your family members, and therefore may not be anonymous.
    • Third-Party Payment Processor
      • Mobicip utilizes Stripe, an industry leading third-party payment processor, to process payments on (or mobile app), or Apple when you choose to use Apple Pay or iTunes Subscription (for payment via mobile app on iOS devices). In either case, Mobicip does not store credit card details and relies directly on Stripe or Apple for the purpose. Stripe’s collection and use of your personal information is governed by Stripe’s privacy policy, which may be reviewed at Apple’s collection and use of your personal information is governed by Apple’s privacy policy, which may be reviewed at
    • Third-Party Information Sharing
      • Mobicip employs other companies and products to assist in performing certain general business functions. Examples include payment processing, sending transactional and bulk email, providing marketing assistance, and providing technical support. These services only have access to personal information needed to perform their respective functions, but may not use it for other purposes. For instance, no Child data or usage data is shared whatsoever. Further, each service must process the personal information in strict accordance with its own Privacy Policy, which is of course whetted by Mobicip to be compliant with industry standards. We will never voluntarily sell personally identifiable data with any third party without the user's express consent or unless compelled by applicable state and federal laws. If the company gets acquired, personal data may be included in the acquisition.
    • Website Traffic Patterns
      • We track aggregate traffic patterns throughout our web site. However, we do not correlate this information with personally identifiable data about individual users. We do track visits to our website from domain names, browser types and MIME type.
    • Cookies
      • Mobicip uses cookies to enable you to logon at without having to re-enter information each time. A cookie is a small data file that a website, upon your visit, creates or writes to on your hard drive. When you register on, we use cookies to store unique, randomly assigned user IDs for administrative purposes. We do not store passwords or any personally identifiable information about you in the cookies. The Help menu on the menu bar of most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie and how to disable cookies altogether. For the best experience with Mobicip's service, we recommend enabling cookies for
    • Exclusions
      • This privacy policy only applies to the private data collected by Mobicip, and not to public areas, such as but not limited to, Mobicip’s support forums, social media pages, testimonials, etc. which would be considered public information that can be shared or reproduced.
    • Notification of Material Changes
      • If we make any material changes in our privacy practices that affect users, we will post a prominent notice on our Web site notifying users of the change. When we post the notice, we will also email a notification regarding such changes to those users who have opted to receive communications from us.
    • Additional Questions
      • For additional inquiries about the privacy of your information, contact Mobicip at
  2. Child Privacy
    • Parental Consent
      • Mobicip is compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”), which requires that software companies pre-emptively seek and obtain express Parental Consent before collecting any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. Mobicip does not collect or solicit individually identifiable information from a child without verifiable consent from that child’s parent or guardian. If you yourself are a child under the age of 13, please do not share personal information about yourself with Mobicip. Review this Privacy Policy with your parent and make sure you understand it fully. If you are a parent or guardian, please see the earlier section on Parent Privacy.
      • If your parent or guardian has signed up with and enabled Mobicip, you understand that said parent or guardian can have access to usage information associated with your profile and devices, including but not limited to the types of data mentioned in the Data Collection and Reporting section below.
    • Data Collection and Reporting
      • By the nature of it being a parental control software product, Mobicip, when enabled on a child device, gathers a pre-defined series of usage data and presents this data to the Parent or otherwise authorized administrator of the Mobicip account. The data thus collected is used solely for the purpose of utility to the Parent, and in turn ensure your safety. The data collected is directly dependent on the type of operating system software, type of mobile device or computer, and the set of Mobicip features implemented and supported for said operating system. This data includes, but is not limited to :
        • Web content that are blocked or allowed based on Parent rules
        • Searches on major search engines
        • Restrictions on Screen Time usage
        • Location of the device or computer
        • Mobile apps including Social Media apps, Video apps, etc.
        • Times devices were last observed to be in active use
        • Summarized information of Mobile Apps and their use
        • Type of device, operating system, and unique identifier
      • Mobicip does not share your (Child) usage data with third parties or external organizations for any reason whatsoever.
    • Data Deletion Request
    • Additional Questions
      • For additional inquiries about the privacy of your information, contact Mobicip at